Dry Ice is used for creating “Low Lying Cloud Effects” or “Ground Fog Effect”
Schell Scenic Studio Dry Ice Foggers
Dry ice is the solid form of carbon dioxide (CO2) with a temperature at -109.3°F (-78.5°C) or below. It is especially useful for freezing and keeping things frozen because of its very cold temperature. At normal atmospheric pressure, dry ice sublimates directly into carbon dioxide gas without going through a liquid stage.
Dry Ice is very cold! It has a temperature of -109° F
Always use in a well-ventilated area to prevent CO inhalation.
Always use a glove or towel to handle dry ice. Any direct contact could result in frostbite.
Do not store in a vapor-tight container. Dry ice evaporates and could cause extreme pressure build-up in the container.
First Aid
Get prompt medical attention for either frostbite or inhalation.
For possible frostbite, place frozen part in warm water and see a doctor immediately.
If a person loses their breath due to inhalation, quickly lead the person away from the fumes to get some fresh air.
Dry Ice Storage
Dry ice cannot be stored in the freezer or refrigerator. It is much colder and will not hold.
Store dry ice in an insulate container.
Fill all voids in the container with newspapers or towels.
Cover the container allowing only a small gap for ventilation.
Using dry ice for effect
Dry ice does not melt, it evaporates!
FOG: Fill a container with HOT tap water. The Optimum temperature is approx 140 to 160 degrees. All depending on atmospheric conditions, but some believe the higher the water temperature, the better the fog effect. Use small chunks of dry ice or pellets. If the chunks are too big,break them with a hammer to golf balls size chunks. The water will begin to glaze over the dry ice and decrease fog production. The idea that the more surface area that the water can contact will provide the best effect. Fog will stop if the water becomes too cold or the dry ice has evaporated, or depleted. Therefore add more chunks of dry ice or change out the water with fresh HOT water.
DO NOT let the dry ice come in contact with your guest’s mouth.
Dry ice is also used to keep perishable foods frozen for longer periods of time than wet ice.
Check out how Dry Ice is made:
A family tradition of serving the theatre community since 1904.
We look forward to serving you. If you have any questions, please contact us.