Rigging and Truss
Welcome to our rental rigging and trussing information page. We can offer many types of solutions for your event. Every job is customized, so please contact us for details on what you have in mind.
Here is a short list of our extensive inventory:

- 1 Ton Columbus McKinnon / Coffing Chain Motors
- Chain Bags, Motor Controllers and ‘Pickles’
- PAR Bars
- Spansets
- Steel 3/8″ Wire Rope
- Pre-rigged Truss
- Triangle, Boxed, or Euro Truss
- Base Plates, Tower Support Bases, Outriggers
- Crank-up Lifts
- Cheeseboros, Shackles, Nut and Bolt Sets, etc.

We look forward to serving you.
If you have any questions, please contact us.