
Everything You Wanted to Know About Gobos

Gobos are a piece of flat steel or glass, which when placed in a lighting fixture projects the image that is on the gobo. The word gobo is an acronym for the phrase “Goes Before Optics.”

Stock Gobos

We offer the widest selection of stock gobos available, from some of the industry’s leading vendors of theatrical equipment, Apollo, GAM and Rosco.
We have an extensive collections of “Standard Stock Gobos”, pre-designed and ready to ship.

These images represent just a sample of the many ready-to-order “Standard Stock Gobos” and Custom Wedding gobos available.

To Download the leading industry catalogs from Apollo. GAM, and Rosco,
please click on the catalog image below.

Custom Wedding Gobos

Springtime is coming, and with it, Weddings.

Schell Scenic Studio, Inc. is your source for custom designed Gobos, celebrating the joining together of the happy couple.

To learn more about designing Custom Wedding Gobos, click on these catalogs.

Custom Gobos

We produce custom gobos, from your designs. It’s as easy as sending your design artwork to customgobos@schellscenic.com.

Include the make, and model of the lighting fixture that you wish to use.

Please include your full contact information, and shipping address and phone numbers, as well as the date you need the order, so as to avoid any rush charges. We will send you a quote in email, or you can call one of our knowledgable staff to help you thru the process.

We look forward to serving you.
If you have any questions, please contact us.

What are Gobos?

Gobos are a piece of flat steel or glass, which when placed in a lighting fixture projects the image that is on the gobo. The word gobo is an acronym for the phrase “Goes Before Optics.”

Gobos can be used for multiple projects; for example they can project breakup patterns to create texture on walls or even project your company logo. Most gobos are made of steel.

Gobos are used in a variety of stage lighting fixtures for projecting images in theatrical, entertainment and dance applications, and for Special Events, such as weddings and birthdays, and can also include corporate logos for advertising.

The “gobo” or template (Stencil) is placed in “the gate” of the spotlight or at the “point of focus” between the light source and the focal lenses, thus placement is important because it allows a pattern with crisp, sharp edges to be projected.

Gobos are usually used with a gobo holder, which can vary from just a plain paddle-style holder that is designed to be inserted into the light fixture’s beam path through a slot in the barrel, to a sophisticated computer-controlled holder that can rotate multple gobos through a program using multiple-color changing lights.

There are specific lighting instruments that can accept gobos. The most common is an ellipsoidal, which are lighting instruments that allow you to focus the light and gobo by moving the lens back and forth in the lens tube.


Custom Gobos from your designs. It’s as easy as sending us your design artwork to customgobos@schellscenic.com including the make and model of the lighting fixture that you will be using.

Include your full contact information, including your shipping address and phone numbers, and include the date you need it to avoid any rush charges.

Our knowledgable staff is here to help you thru the process, in order to make your event spectacular.

Gobo Artwork Specifications

We can create your gobo from a wide variety of file types. However, the higher the quality of art, the better the gobo. We have identified file types that create the highest quality gobos. We will also accept physical hard copies of artwork.

Need help creating artwork? Our professional gobo designers are available at an hourly rate. Our Staff is always available to answer any questions.

Metal Gobos

Preferred: Adobe Illustrator(.ai file)

  • Vectored or line art
  • 1800 x 1800 file
  • All fonts changed to outlines
  • Mac files, do not compress
  • Accepted: .ai, .eps, .jpg, .pdf, .psd or .tif files
  • Not Accepted: .bmp, .cdr, .doc, .dxf, .dwg, .gif or .png files

You may also use the following link, for ideas, and examples, including templates for wedding designs. Click Here

Colour Scenic or Super Resolution Gobos

Preferred: Adobe Photoshop (.psd file)

  • 600 DPI resolution or higher
  • 1800 x 1800 file
  • Mac files; do not compress
  • Accepted: .ai, .eps, .jpg, .pdf, .psd or .tif files
  • Physical photograph or artwork – 100% of size
  • Not Accepted: .bmp, .cdr, .doc, .dxf, .dwg, .gif or .png files

Artwork Specifications

Gobo Artwork Specifications

We can create your gobo from a wide variety of file types. However, the higher the quality of art, the better the gobo. We have identified file types that create the highest quality gobos. We will also accept physical hard copies of artwork.

Need help creating artwork? Our professional gobo designers are available at an hourly rate. Our Staff is always available to answer any questions.

Metal Gobos

Preferred: Adobe Illustrator(.ai file)

  • Vectored or line art
  • 1800 x 1800 file
  • All fonts changed to outlines
  • Mac files, do not compress
  • Accepted: .ai, .eps, .jpg, .pdf, .psd or .tif files
  • Not Accepted: .bmp, .cdr, .doc, .dxf, .dwg, .gif or .png files

You may also use the following link, for ideas, and examples, including templates for wedding designs. Click Here

ColourScenic or SuperResolution Gobos

Preferred: Adobe Photoshop (.psd file)

  • 600 DPI resolution or higher
  • 1800 x 1800 file
  • Mac files; do not compress
  • Accepted: .ai, .eps, .jpg, .pdf, .psd or .tif files
  • Physical photograph or artwork – 100% of size
  • Not Accepted: .bmp, .cdr, .doc, .dxf, .dwg, .gif or .png files

A family tradition of serving the theatre community since 1904.

We look forward to serving you. If you have any questions, please contact us.

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