Local Scene

We support the variety of colleges, school districts, events and organizations that have been customers of
Schell Scenic Studio. If you would like us to include a link to your organization, please contact us.

Arts Organizations

In support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, one of our customers at Livingston UMC, enhanced their church with some Outdoor Pars to accent the west side, where the shadow of the Christ normally appears nightly.

Designer Bruce Reedy chose to use E-colour #192 Flesh Pink to show awareness. He also thought the east side windows from inside their church, should be highlighted, and used some ETC Source Four Pars to create a glow, and stunning display.

The Livingston United Methodist Church is located at the intersection S Fourth Street & E. Livingston Ave. near German Village in Columbus.

A family tradition of serving the theatre community since 1904.

We look forward to serving you. If you have any questions, please contact us.

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