Cyc Lights

Cyc Lights

The cyc light is a single unit with asymetric distribution for even coverage of backcloths and cycloramas. There are many occasions when a broad light source resting on the floor is needed, lighting upwards to illuminate a drop, cyc, or groundrow. The light shades off towards the top, providing an attractive decorative effect.

Altman Ground Cyc

The Ground Cyc is a multi-lamp, compartmented luminary designed to provide an even wash of light on cycloramas from a ground row position. The luminary has 6 cells and 3 circuits. Lamps are on nine inch centers. Typically, each compartment provides an asymmetrical distribution with a 50° beam angle 70° field angle horizontally and a 65° beam angle 83° field angle vertically.

This fixture can lamped with 750 watt EJG lamps (1500 watts per circuit) or 1000 watt FCM lamps (2000 watts per circuit).

For technical specifications or photometrics, please click here.

Altman Sky Cyc

The Sky Cyc is a lightweight, wide spread, luminary designed to provide an even wash of light on cycloramas. This fixture has 3 cells and 3 circuits. The Sky Cyc is ideally suited for use in theatres and television studios as a compact, lightweight means of lighting large cycloramas from above.

This fixture is lamped with 1000 watt FFT lamps or 1500 watt FGT lamps.

For technical specifications or photometrics, please click here.

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